Magnetic Field Models

Model name 




CHAOS-7 The CHAOS-7 - A geomagnetic field model spanning 1999-2020.0, derived from Swarm, CHAMP, Ørsted and SAC-C satellite magnetic data and ground observatory data. Uses spatial differences along-track from CHAMP and Swarm and also east-west differences from Swarm Model coefficients Finlay et al., 2020
COV-OBSx2 The COV-OBS.x2 model - A geomagnetic field model spanning 1840 - 2020 derived from observatory and satellite data, including model covariance matrix Model coefficients Huder et al., 2020
CM6 CM6: A Comprehensive Geomagnetic Field Model Derived From Both CHAMP and Swarm Satellite Observations Model coefficients Sabaka et al., 2020
A model of time-dependent flow at low latitudes in the Earth's core between 2000 and 2018 derived from magnetic field measurements made on board the Swarm and CHAMP satellites and at ground magnetic observatories Model coefficients Kloss et al., 2019
LCS-1 A high-resolution global model of the lithospheric magnetic field derived from CHAMP and Swarm satellite observations Model coefficients Olsen et al., 2017
CHAOS-6 The CHAOS-6 - A geomagnetic field model spanning 1999-2016.5, derived from Swarm, CHAMP, Ørsted and SAC-C satellite magnetic data and ground observatory data. Uses spatial differences along-track from CHAMP and Swarm and also east-west differences from Swarm
Model coefficients
Finlay et al., 2016
SIFM The Swarm Initial Field Model (SIFM) - A geomagnetic field model for 2014 derived from data from ESA's satellite trio Swarm
Model coefficients Olsen et al., 2015
COV-OBS.x1 The COV-OBS.x1 model - A geomagnetic field model spanning 1840 - 2015 derived from observatory and satellite data, including model covariance matrix
Model coefficients Gillet et al., 2015
CM5 CM5, a pre-Swarm comprehensive geomagnetic field model derived from over 12 yr of CHAMP, Orsted, SAC-C and observatory data
Model coefficients
Sabaka et al., 2015
CHAOS-5 The CHAOS-5 - A high resolution geomagnetic field model spanning 1997-2015, derived primarily from Swarm, CHAMP, and Ørsted satellite magnetic data along with ground observatory data

Model coefficients

Finlay et al., 2015
CHAOS-4 The CHAOS-4 - A high resolution geomagnetic field model derived from CHAMP, Ørsted, SAC-C and ground observatory data
Model coefficients Olsen et al., 2014
COV-OBS The COV-OBS model - A geomagnetic field model spanning 1840 - 2010 derived from observatory and satellite data, including model covariance matrix
Model coefficients Gillet et al., 2013
CHAOS-3 The CHAOS-3 geomagnetic field model and candidates for the 11th generation IGRF
Model coefficients Olsen et al., 2010
CHAOS-2 CHAOS-2 - A Geomagnetic Field Model Derived from one Decade of Continuous Satellite Data
Model coefficients Olsen et al., 2009
xCHAOS xCHAOS - the extended CHAOS model
xCHAOS.cof Olsen and Mandea, 2008
VM-CHAMP Model based on CHAMP monthly mean values at a regular grid of "virtual observatories"
  Olsen and Mandea, 2007
CHAOS CHAOS - A Model of Earth's Magnetic Field derived from CHAMP, Ørsted, and SAC-C magnetic satellite data
CHAOS.cof Olsen et al., 2006
Oersted (09d/04) Candidate Models for IGRF2005

Olsen et al., 2005a
Olsen et al., 2005b

Models presented at the EGU conference, April 2004, Nice

Models presented at the EGS/AGU conference, April 2003, Nice

Candidates for DGRF1995 and DGRF2000
  Olsen et al., 2005
IDEMM IDEMM: International Decade Earth Magnetic Model oersted_05m_02.cof

CO2 CO2: A CHAMP magnetic field model
Holme and Olsen, 2003
OSVM Ørsted Main and Secular Variation Model
Olsen, 2002
OIFM Ørsted Initial Field Model
OIFM.dat Olsen et al., 2000
 IGRF2000  IGRF 2000   Olsen et al., 2000