Polar Ice Sheet Monitoring
The divisions main activities in this field concern analysis of polarimetric ice sounding data, including data acquired by its own POLARIS sensor, as well as analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar data for polar ice velocity mapping.

Concerning polarimetric ice sounding, MRS was the first to demonstrate that the crystal orientation fabric (COF) of ice sheets can be mapped with airborne radar. Area-extensive COF maps are valuable, as they tell about past deformation and current flow properties, which can potentially improve ice flow modelling. MRS developed the technique using POLARIS data, but in collaboration with Stanford University MRS has also applied the technique to data acquired with the American MCRDS radar.
Concerning Ice Velocity, which is an Essential Climate Variable, our division has been carrying out research related to the use of satellite SAR data for polar ice velocity mapping for over 25 years.
We are currently involved in several national and international projects, including the Danish PROMICE programme (link to: https://www.promice.dk) as well as in several European Space Agency projects:
- Greenland Ice Sheet CCI (link to https://climate.esa.int/en/projects/ice-sheets-greenland/)
- Antarctic Ice Sheet CCI (link to https://climate.esa.int/en/projects/ice-sheets-antarctic/)
- Phase-Based Sentinel-1 Ice Velocity (link to https://eo4society.esa.int/projects/phab-iv)