RF-, microwave-, and high-speed electronics
Vitaliy Zhurbenko Associate Professor Phone: +45 45253820 vizh@dtu.dk
Tom Keinicke Johansen Associate Professor Phone: +45 45253770 tkj@space.dtu.dk

The research in this area is two-fold: A) RF electronics and B) microwave- and high-speed electronics. Our efforts within RF electronics are primarily devoted to analysis and design of ultrasensitive MRI detectors and arrays, cryogenic electronics, RF instrumentation for MRI and Dynamic Nuclear Polarization, although a wide range of other applications are considered as well. The research related to microwave- and high-speed electronics encompasses microwave, mm-wave and sub-mm wave MMIC design, THz electronics and solid-state device modeling, high-speed IC design (fabricated with silicon and III-V based) and signal integrity for broadband telecommunications; all efforts aiming towards radar and wireless communication applications, and all being solidly backed by measurement activities in DTU ETC mm-Wave Component and Circuit Test Facility.